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Japanese style postcard making, Etegami  

open house workshop 絵手紙体験 @Lake Oswego dinning room

9/29 Sun at 11am R.S.V.P.

$10***per one card making with tea & snack

Enjoy this relaxing 1hr experience with Shoka 

In our workshop, all materials and step by step instructions to create your etegami are provided 

payment must be made to reserve your seat

text or email to reserve ***Fee is non refundable  (503)956-4213



"Etegami", a Japanese style postcard making is a letter that you can send to your loved ones.

It is not about making perfect art, but to share your heart. Find your own, unique self through your original art!


From our traditional Japanese calligraphy program which collaborates with Tokyo Bunka Shodo, to our art program that introduces Japanese style postcard making called Etegami,

we have been providing Japanese art and language education for all ages since 2010. 

 It is my pleasure and joy to introduce Japanese art.  

Etegami and Shodo are good for our heart and soul, I believe. Shoka 

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